Mandeitaim aibin wok la main anti kemp en yu sabi wanim aibin luk?
So begins the Kriol edition of the bestselling cheeky book set in a remote Indigenous community, romping through numbers, colours and days of the week to the hilarious finale.
Bigismob Jigiwan Dog is a fully translated Kriol version of the hit picture book Too Many Cheeky Dogs. A truly Territorian tale, this new hardcover edition faithfully translates the original English text into Kriol and provides additional pages including the English translation as well as key information on Kriol. Online support materials including audio, translation notes and teacher's guid are also available. As well as a lot of fun, Bigismob Jigiwan Dog is an important step in putting quality Kriol books into the hands of Kriol speakers while also giving wider audiences a window into a truly Australian language and way of life.
Did you know? Kriol is the most widely spoken language in the Northern Territory after English?