Dumbuyumbu Bush Soap from Seven Emu Station

Dumbuyumbu Bush Soap from Seven Emu Station

Regular price $16.00


Moisturise the skin. Good for cuts, abrasion and for all skin problems. 


  • Soap Base
  • Goats Milk
  • Dumbuyumbu Extract


Dumbuyumbu in our family is an essential must have in our homes.

It was used by our Grandparents, and we grew up using and sharing the knowledge with our children.

Dumbuyumbu is the most widely used in and around our community of Borroloola and surrounding out stations.

Dumbuyumbu Paste

  • Good for all skin problems
  • Sunburn and prevents sunburn
  • Open Sores
  • Swellings
  • Aches and pain

Dumbuyumbu Leaves

  • Dumbuyumbu leaves boiled in water can be used as a short or long term drink for medicinal use or as an everyday drink hot or cold
  • We also boil the leaves in water and bath in it
  • It kills the scabies mite and prevents scaring from open sores
  • We wash sore eyes
  • Gargle as a mouth wash for ulcers, tooth ache and sore throat