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In the remote Tiwi Islands, a 20-strong group of female Elders have been meeting to sing for decades.
Their mission: to compose and perform songs that hold cultural, genealogical, geographical and spiritual knowledge that has been passed down through thousands of years of Tiwi storytelling, ceremony and in the songlines that circle the islands.
Their goal: to preserve and pass these song stories to their children, grandchildren and future generations.
The Ngarukuruwala Women’s Group from the Tiwi Islands have been sisters and friends all their lives. As young women they composed songs and as Elders and mentors in their Community, they draw on the old ways of Tiwi song traditions to help young Tiwi people connect with their language and cultural identity, also creating new songs.
Murli La is a joint project between the ILF and Hardie Grant and the book is written by the Ngarukuruwala Women’s Group in partnership with Dr Genevieve Campbell. The ILF is extremely grateful for Dr Campbell’s knowledge and assistance in producing the book.