Infuse Native Mint Tea 15 Pouch

Infuse Native Mint Tea 15 Pouch

Regular price $18.00
14 in stock

This blend of Organic Peppermint with its light, minty refreshing taste blended with wild harvested Australian Native River Mint and Lemon Myrtle, will be a true delight on your senses, leaving a cool lingering taste to refresh your palate. Mint has been shown to ease cold symptoms, soothe sore throats and calm the digestive system. Naturally uplifting, this tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. Caffeine Free

Artwork supplied by Seantelle Walsh who is a contemporary Noongar artist, born and raised in Boorloo, Perth (Whadjuk Country). Through her mother, Seantelle is connected to the Wilman Tribe from Gnaala Kala Boodja region and the Perenjori Balardong area.

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